18 Cute Photos of Children With Their Toys in the 1930s


Following on from the Twenties, because of the great depression you would expect the Thirties toy choices to decrease.

Surprisingly, they did not and new manufacturing methods combined with the growth of radio and the movie theaters, making house hold names of radio and movie stars, increased the range of toys kids wanted. It is also interesting seeing kids pedal cars reflect the streamlining of automobiles.

By the mid Thirties many of the prices had dropped partly through cheaper manufacturing methods and partly because of the great depression.

Here, a collection of 18 adorable vintage photos show children with their toys in the 1930s:

Pet show, Venice Beach, CA, 1936


Children in hospital bed with dolls, Washington, D.C., 1931


Tenements, London, 1936


Child hanging baby clothes on clothesline, ca. 1935


Girl with her doll, ca. 1930


School boy, 1938


La marchande de ballons, ca. 1930s


Young girl entertaining Mickey Mouse and other friends at a make-believe tea party, ca. 1930s


Children with umbrella, 1934


Tea party, 1930


Beach buddies, ca. 1930


Boy and his toy car, 1937


Little girl with her puppies, 1934


Three children and wagon, ca. 1930s




The French doll, 1932


3 sisters with a huge doll, Latvia, 1937


Young child with a baby doll on her lap and a rag doll, a teddy bear and a golliwog next to her, Australia, ca. 1930


Kids from the Lower East Side, New York City, 1937


Dozens of children play in a water-filled 104th street in Harlem in 1939