The post-World War II baby boom helped make way for changes in 1950s kids' clothing. In America, it was a time of prosperity, so children were less likely to be dressed in hand-me-downs or clothes that were continually being made over. Fashions for both boys and girls were very different from previous generations.

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s

20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s