22 Cool Pics of American Restaurants With Beautiful Window Views in the 1950s and ’60s


A set of cool pics that shows restaurants of the United States with beautiful window views in the 1950s and 1960s.

Arizona. Dining Room, Biltmore, Tucson
California. Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco


California. Host International Restaurant, Los Angeles International Jet Age Air Terminal


California. Starlite Roof, El Cortez Hotel, San Diego


California. Starlite Roof, Hotel Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco


California. Starlite Roof, Hotel Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco


California. Terrace Lounge, Claremont Hotel, San Francisco


California. The Marine Room, La Jolla


California. Top Of The Mark, San Francisco


California. Top Of The Mark, San Francisco


Florida. Pier 66, Fort Lauderdale


Illinois. Stouffer's, Chicago


Illinois. Stouffer's, Chicago


Kentucky. Dining Room At Lure Lodge, Jamestown


Kentucky. Dining Room, Village Inn, Gibertsville


Kentucky. Twin City Motel & Restaurant, Cave City


Maine. Eastland Motor Hotel, Portland


Maine. Severance Lodge, Centre Lovell


New Hampshire. The Wayfarer Restaurant, Manchester


New York. Stouffer's, New York


Utah. Starlite Gardens, Salt Lake City


Washington. Space Needle Restaurant, Seattle