26 Amazing Color Photos That Capture Cool Cars in the U.S From Between the 1940s and 1960s


These amazing photos from ElectroSpark that captured cool cars on the streets of the United States from between the 1940s and 1960s.

1948 Packard Custom 8 Convertible in Autumn foliage, circa 1948
1949 Oldsmobile at Town Hill Hotel, Little Orleans, Maryland, 1949


Afternoon sun on the Chevy, 1950 (1949-50 Chevrolet Styleline DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan)


1941 Buick, Clearwater Beach, Florida, circa 1952


1952 Buick Super, Clearwater, Florida, circa 1952


Marilyn Monroe look-alike and husband strike an all-American pose with the new car, a 1952 Cadillac convertible in rich burgundy with natural interior, Washington D.C., circa 1950s


1953 Lincoln Capri Convertible parked at the Ft. Amador Officer's Club, circa 1953


 Daytona Beach, Florida, 1953


1954 Buick Century, San Francisco, circa 1954


1951 Ford Crestline, circa 1955


1954 Mercury Monterrey, 1955


Ice Fishing from the 1946 Chrysler New Yorker, somewhere in Michigan's thumb district, circa 1955


1956 Desoto Fireflite, Los Angeles, 1956


A 1954 red & white two-toned Monterey sits on Ivy-Convocation Way in front of the neo-gothic Murphree Hall at Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 1956


A brand new 1956 Ford Vicky sits in a driveway in Belleair, Florida (near Clearwater) on Pinellas Street, 1956


A couple of hip chicks strike a pose behind the  with a mint green 1955 Chevy 210 4-door sedan behind the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and Grauman's Theater on N. Orange, Los Angeles, 1956


Woman and her 1955 Ford Fairlane Sunliner in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 1956


Bulletproof Whitewalls - 1958 Oldsmobile, somewhere near Niagara Falls, circa 1958


1956 Pontiac, Middletown, New York, 1960


1958 Corvette, Middletown, New York, 1960


1964 Chrysler Turbine Car at New York World's Fair, 1964


Pioneer Auto Museum, Murdo, South Dakota, 1965


1956 Chevy Bel Air at Spring Break, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 1966


A fire-engine red 1962 Ford Galaxie rinses off at a Chevron under a googie-riffic sign in Escondido, California, 1966


Pontiac Superior Ambulance, somewhere in USA, 1967


1969 AMC Ambassador in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 1969