28 Pictures That Show Our Moms Were So Cool When They Were Young in the 1950s


Have you ever seen pictures of your moms when they were young? Do you think they were really cool? A photo set of cool pics that shows what our moms looked like from the 1950s.

Mom with a portable radio in park, Brooklyn, NYC, 1954
Mom's bicycle, 1952


My mom & dad before their marriage, circa 1950


My mom at the Cane River in Yancey Co., North Carolina, 1952


My mom, and aunts at my uncle's wedding in the Bronx, circa 1957


My Mom, Barbara Camara at Horseneck Beach, Massachusetts, August 1959


My Mother Carolyn age 17 posing with records and a teddy, April 1958


Steubenville High School, Ohio, 1956. My mom is in the middle


Before the school dance, circa 1950s


Frances (mom) & Sister Rose on Coney Island Beach, 1952


mom and grandma, early the 1950s, spinning tunes in grandma's living room, Manhasset, NY


Mom as a housewife, Dallas, circa 1950


Mom at 19, in her New Year's Eve black party dress, (the dress was designed and made by granny), 1955


Mom at a party, circa 1950


Mom in basketball team, circa 1950


Mom in Coney Island, NYC, circa 1950


Mom in Fresno, California, April 1958


Mom in her classroom in Caracas, circa mid-50s


Mom in Pennsylvania, June 1958


Mom in short, doing headstand while her friend looking at, circa 1950s


Mom in swimsuit on beach sidewalk, July 9, 1951


Mom in swimsuit posing for photographing, circa 1950s


Mom looks admiringly at dad's two toned 1953 Pontiac Chieftain at The Bonneville Salt Flats on their coast-to-coast trip from New York to Los Angeles, 1956


Mom performs an impromptu dance in the kitchen while dragging on a cigarette, 1958


Mom playing flute in living room of MD farm house, around 1955


Mom posing on the cough, circa 1950s


Mom sitting on lake dock, circa 1950s


Mom washing a Ford (that is probably the family car), circa 1950s