Cool Snaps That Show the 1980s Fashion Styles of an American Teenage Girl


A cool photo set that shows fashion styles of an Arizona teenage girl named Leanndra during the 1980s. Most of these photographs were taken by her mom and her friend Patricia Wright.

1980 redhead
1981 sister Pam and I


1981 ugly fashion


1982 bad fashion


1982 mullet


1982 sisters


1984 Kristina and I


1984 Molly Ringwald look alike


1984 the 8th grade graduation in my 1950s dress


1984 the 1860s ballgown on a thirteen year old punk


1986 freshman year going to prom


1986 McClintock High school


1986 on the curb


1986 prom


1987 Amy and I at Noel's apartment prepping for a party


1987 dress


1987 dress


1987 haight street fair


1987 I look queasy in my 1940s studded velvet gown


1987 Jaimie and I


1987 Noel and I broomstick wedding


1987 Noel Eidsmoe and I


1987 pose


1987 pose


1987 pout


1987 prom night


1987 signing yearbooks. Brian, me, Evil Josie, Erikka and ?


1987 smirk


1987 snow in Arizona


1987 Victorian duo


1987 wind


1988 long hair


1988 redhead


1988 redhead


1989 I still have this 1930s dress


1989 Kathy and I


1989 redhead


1989 redhead


1989 road trip


1989 scowl


1989 the gang


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