Fascinating Found Photos Show How Life of the U.S Looked Like in the 1960s


The 1960s were a decade of revolution and change in politics, music and society around the world. It started in the United States and the United Kingdom, and spread to continental Europe and other parts of the globe.

Life of the United States in the 1960s


The 1960s were an era of protest. In the civil rights movement blacks and whites protested against the unfair treatment of races. Towards the end of the decade more and more Americans protested against the war in Vietnam. Many people in the United States thought that Americans had no reason to fight in war that was so far away from home.

Female activists demanded more rights for women, whose role in society began to change. The birth control pill and other contraceptives were introduced, making it possible for women to plan their careers and have babies when they wanted them.

After World War II people all over the world started working hard and respecting the values they were brought up with. Especially in Europe, it was an era of recovery and rebuilding. In the 1960s many young people started doubting such values. They protested against society and everything that was mainstream. They had hair long and wore unusual and strange clothes.

These fascinating photos were found by Dean Avants that shows how life of the United States looked like in the 1960s.

Chula Vista gift shop, Branson, Missouri, 1962


Florida gulf, 1962
House and car, DeLand, Florida, 1962


Loc-Wood boat dock, Bagnell Dam, Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, 1962


Times Square, NYC, 1963


Boy with “JUST MARRIED” car, Virginia, 1964


Two girls hurrying to a 1957 Ford Fairline convertible, 1964


Two ladies outside a camping trailer, circa 1964


42nd street, NYC, 1966


Chicago skyline from Civic Center, Illinois, 1966


Demonstration in Greenwich Village, NYC, 1966


Dinosaur Land, Vernal, Utah, 1966


Dodge City, Kansas, 1966


Entrance to America the Beautiful in Circarama, Disneyland, 1966


Greenwich Village, NYC, 1966


Johnson Wax Headquarters, Racine, Wisconsin, 1966


Lady reading pamphlet on street, Boston, Massachusetts, 1966


Laurent House, Illinois, 1966


Radio City Music Hall, NYC, 1966


Reno, Nevada, 1966


Reno, Nevada, 1966


Students on field trip, somewhere in Oklahoma, 1966


Times Square, NYC, 1966


University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1966


“It's a Small World” ride, Disneyland, 1967


Girls on the beach, California, 1967


Tombstone, Arizona, 1967


White Sands, New Mexico, 1967


1968 Ford Mustang in driveway at NW 47th and Villa, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1968


Cycle race, Daytona Speedway, Florida, 1968


Girl at Alabaster Caverns, Oklahoma, 1968


Golf game in the mountains, 1968


Small group of friends at Alabaster Caverns, Oklahoma, 1968


Photo shoot, Maryland, 1969