Stefan Sigmond Smoked 800 Filter-Tipped Western Cigarettes in Less Than Six Minutes in 1996


A 29-year-old Transylvanian with a death wish or a drive for fame tried to get a smoking feat into the record books, for a second time. Stefan Sigmond smoked 800 filter-tipped Western cigarettes in less than six minutes on January 30, 1996, breaking his 1995 record of 750, through a special wheel-like device.


Here’s a quote of what he said afterwards, “I am a little bit dizzy, and I have a headache and an awful taste in my mouth, but I am sure everything will pass.” Apparently he got stiffed by Guinness staffers and they didn't recognize it, anti smokers.
In a country where 30 billion cigarettes are consumed every year, few people were hailing his new record. Apparently the Guinness Book of Records may not recognize it, either, because it now discourages “gluttony”