Wonderful Paris in the Mid-1970s Through an American Traveler’s Lens


These amazing photos were taken by huebner family photos that shows wonderful Paris street scenes when he made a trip to Europe in January 1977.

France. Paris. Children playing field hockey near the Eiffel Tower
France. Paris street scenes


France. Paris. Arénes de Lutèce


France. Paris. Butcher's stall on Place Monge


France. Paris. Église Saint-François-Xavier


France. Paris. Église Saint-Louis-des-Invalides (completed- 1679; architect- Jules Hardouin Mansart)


France. Paris. Fishmonger's shop


France. Paris. Flower stall on Place Monge


France. Paris. Grotesque in the Galerie des Chimères, Notre Dame Cathedral


France. Paris. Hôtel des Nations, 54 rue Monge. A room for four cost 78 francs ($16.38) per night, including breakfast


France. Paris. In the Galerie des Chimères, Notre Dame Cathedral


France. Paris. Man and pony selling lavender extract in front of a department store


France. Paris. Market stalls on Place Monge


France. Paris. Palais de Chaillot


France. Paris. Rue Mouffetard


France. Paris. Sacred sculptures by the flèche (spire) of Notre Dame Cathedral


France. Paris. Shop on rue Mouffetard


France. Paris. Shop on rue Mouffetard


France. Paris. Street scene with pony


France. Paris. The Eiffel Tower


France. Paris. The Eiffel Tower


France. Paris. The River Seine, the Pont d'Iéna, and the Eiffel Tower


France. Paris. Under the Eiffel Tower


France. Paris. Vegetable stall on Place Monge


France. Paris. View of Sacré-Cœur from the Galerie des Chimères, Notre Dame Cathedral


France. Park in downtown Paris


France. Construction in Paris